Sed interdum massa lacus, a porttitor risus gravida sed. Nulla ultricies ex non sagittis vulputate. Integer fringilla convallis risus, id semper est interdum non.
Quisque molestie tristique nisi et luctus. Proin eget velit quis lorem euismod pulvinar. Phasellus lobortis tellus dignissim metus varius volutpat. Integer a lacus mauris.
LED Technology
It’s pasted all over the energy efficiency world that in this modern age LED’s are the way to go but does anyone go into detail about this technology? Let's look further into this design and see what we can discover. LED’s can have a lifespan of up to around 20 years and are becoming more affordable and available on the market today. They are continually advancing this technology and are available in many different deisgns and sizes, you can even control some models with your smart phone. LED’s are even capable of exhibiting a colour range so ensuring you pick the right colour for its use is important. Considering LED bulbs are more expensive upfront than other types of bulbs they have a much longer lifepsan and are cheaper to operate so you save long term. You won't see significant savings on your electircity billbs unless you are replacing multiple incandescent bulbs throughout your home or office. LED bulbs are not always compatible with dimming light systems, they can flicker, hmm or buzz through the duraiton of use even. So when purchasing a new
How can your lawn help improve the thermal comfort of your home?
At Energy Rating Perth, we aim to provide clients with every probable solution to help improve the thermal performance of their homes. A large number of clients at Energy Rating Perth might not recognise the importance of landscaping and the ability of your home to achieve thermal comfort. Trees can provide shading on the walls and windows, which can greatly improve the interior thermal comfort. However, just like the concept of eaves, we may not require shading on all sides all around the year. For this reason, deciduous trees can be planted towards the northern side so in the winters, they can allow full sunlight penetration while evergreen trees are preferable for the eastern and western facades. This can help in keeping your home cool in the hot summers by providing shade and avoid unnecessary solar heat gain. In colder climates, trees can also limit the harsh cold air from penetrating into the building by acting as a barrier. In hot/humid or even moderate climates, this may be a limiting factor therefore, when choosing trees, they should be ones that allow air movement through
Avoid underperforming insulation at all costs!
At Energy Rating Perth, we go beyond simply completing a 6 star energy rating, we can give advice on how to ensure that you avoid building defects that can be an expensive exercise to rectify. Ensuring an efficient building envelope is key to a thermally stable home. Insulation can give your home the thermal resistance required to keep the harsh exterior environment outside your home. However, insulation must be installed adequately in order to achieve a good thermal performance in a home. Insulation is essential for the building envelope and overall thermal performance for building. When an energy assessor recommends an R -value for a type of insulation, it is with the pre-requisite that it is installed properly. If the insulation is compressed to fit into a space or if there are gaps it will not function with the intended R-value and result in a faulty building envelope. The following tips must be adhered for the installation of insulation: Avoid thermal bridging by installing thermal breaks between the metal frame and cladding and the bulk insulation should be fixed over external and internal surface
How much can you really save?
Our energy assessors at Energy Rating Perth want to inform our clients about how simple changes around your home can help you can save on your electricity bills. These minor changes may seem trivial and you may not think twice after they are made, but just so you can see the savings you would be making, we have comprised a list of an average annual saving vs the recommended alterations: Alteration Recommended Average Annual Saving Seal air leaks $83-$166 Replace 5 bulbs with energy efficient models $75 Reduce water temperature $12-$60 Providing shade trees $35-$119 Install insulated storm windows $100-$274 Switching plugs at the wall off when not in use $100 Using a water efficient toilet $100 Install weather windows $42-$83 Fixing leaking taps $35 Turning off your computer $30 Insulate hot water pipes $8-$12 Insulate water heater tank $20-$45 TOTAL COST SAVING $640-$1099 So contact our friendly energy assessors today for more information on how you can make a difference to your environment!
Glazing, Window Assemblies and Thermal Performance
At Energy Rating Perth we always inform designers and our clients that the key factor for energy efficient glazing is the window size and correct orientation. A designer must be mindful to ensure the window sizes are not too large to allow unnecessary heat gain and neither too small to allow not enough heat gain and light entry. It is recommended to place larger windows on the northern façade for passive solar design while smaller ones on the eastern and western façade to avoid excessive heat gain in the summers. Our energy assessors urge our Energy Rating Perth clients to include this early into their design process rather than implementing it reluctantly once they have their hearts set on their new home designs. While the performance of the glazing is very important, it is the overall glazing assembly that denotes the glazing performance and the natural cross ventilation in your home. Common window types are given below: Casement: These are an older style of window usually with a timber frame. This is made of one or two panels hinged on the sides onto
Glazing Types and Window Treatments and Their Impact on Thermal Performance
While most energy assessors will quickly jump to the most obvious solution to improve the energy rating of your home, the energy assessors at Energy Rating Perth offer advice that includes several alternative solutions that can help achieve the same object at a lower cost. Several glass types and window Treatments can help improve your energy rating. They are summarised below: Double/Triple-glazing: This consists of two (or three in case of triple) sheets of glass separated by an insulating layer such as air or an inert gas like argon. It is a very efficient system in reducing the U-value of a window but does not affect the SHGC much. This glazing system is preferable for climates when the external temperature is extreme for a long period of time or even in milder climates where a large amount of glazing is an aesthetic preference. While this may be the first preference of most energy assessor, installing double or triple-glazing is a costly exercise. Secondary glazing: This is a retrofit system which converts an existing single glazing unit into a double glazed one by attaching another
Sed venenatis urna sit amet vulputate lobortis. Nullam dolor sem, varius eu luctus vitae, mattis id dolor. Proin ultricies feugiat ipsum. Quisque lobortis risus sapien, quis pulvinar turpis placerat ut. Vivamus eu egestas est, commodo ultricies turpis. Donec a consequat nisi, non pellentesque risus. Fusce lacinia sem a mollis tempus. Etiam in sapien non odio ornare iaculis vel vel enim. Sed velit urna, pharetra non quam nec, consequat hendrerit ex. Phasellus ac rutrum diam.
At Energy Rating Perth, we aim to provide clients with every probable solution to help improve the thermal performance of their homes. A large number of clients at Energy Rating Perth might not recognise the importance of landscaping and the ability of your home to achieve thermal comfort. Trees can provide shading on the walls and windows, which can greatly improve the interior thermal comfort. However, just like the concept of eaves, we may not require shading on all sides all around the year. For this reason, deciduous trees can be planted towards the northern side so in the winters, they can allow full sunlight penetration while evergreen trees are preferable for the eastern and western facades. This can help in keeping your home cool in the hot summers by providing shade and avoid unnecessary solar heat gain. In colder climates, trees can also limit the harsh cold air from penetrating into the building by acting as a barrier. In hot/humid or even moderate climates, this may be a limiting factor therefore, when choosing trees, they should be ones that allow air movement through the foliage.
Other than trees, there are smaller shrubs that are strategically placed can also cool the breeze before it enters into the building through evapotranspiration. Other landscape features water bodies also help in creating a cooling effect due to evaporation. The process can be speeded up by using a water spray in a fountain particularly into a summer breeze path. This is not recommended for climates with high humidity throughout the air as it may actually increase the humidity thus affecting the overall thermal comfort of the home.
Our energy assessors take into account a range of information when they are completing a 6 star energy rating assessment and may at times give recommendations that seem trivial but can add greatly to the energy efficiency of your home. Strategic selection as well as plantation of vegetation should be considered as a solution and site featured trees should be preserved rather than removed.
Call our team at Energy Rating Perth for more information today!
9:00am – 6:00pm